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  • Looking for the substitutes because of EOL.
  • Looking for the manufacturer who cares about the custom spec.
  • Looking for the help of the crystal’s matching on board.
  • We are flexible to any inquiries to resolve the problems on crystal devices.
  • We find the solutions with our experienced staff.
    Let us hear your problems or inquiries about the crystal devices.

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Silicon Wafer Reclaim

Ask us to remove the membranes which other companies couldn't.

  • We don’t use the chemicals, but use our own developed plasma etching machine.
  • At this method the decreased portion of the wafer is very thin (about 1μm).
    Due to this effective reclaiming method it becomes possible to lower the cost.
  • Since no use of the special chemicals the damage to the wafer is very limited and possible to minimize the burden to the environment.
  • We are developing/selling the plasma etching machine. Please feel free to ask us anything.
  • ※We are also reclaiming the 300mm wafer.